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Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

Here you will find our current press photos and photos of the executive board in print quality as well as further download material and videos.

Brisbane Skyline
6. July 2023
Accident reduction of up to 20% with Connected Vehicle C-ITS Technology

The use of Connected Vehicle technology can enhance the safety of road workers and drivers by streaming real-time warning messages to the vehicles.

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5. July 2023
autoTicket GmbH expects EUR 243 million from arbitration proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany based on a settlement and Kapsch TrafficCom AG changes outlook for financial year 2023/24

The settlement is expected to be formally finalized and executed in the coming days and thus becomes effective.

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22. June 2023
“Connected Mobility” launches in Spain

By 2024, a 60-kilometer stretch of the A8 freeway near Bilbao will undergo digitization, thanks to the hardware and software provided by Kapsch TrafficCom.

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OBU-5310 TRB-4010
15. June 2023
First tolling hardware to align with EU taxonomy regulation

Two of the flagship products of Kapsch TrafficCom, the On-Board Units TRP-4010 and OBU-5310, have received TÜV certification.

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14. June 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the financial year 2022/23

Kapsch TrafficCom recorded a slight increase in business in the financial year 2022/23, as expected, but EBIT remained significantly below expectations.

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CV and AI-Innovations Ottawa CA-1920x1079
7. June 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom to Expand Connected Vehicle & AI Innovations in Ottawa, Canada

Kapsch TrafficCom is proud to support Area X.O, with state-of-the-art connected vehicle solutions including hardware and software to improve road safety.

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ETC Toll Plaza, Zarautz, Highway AP-8, Basque country, Spain
1. June 2023
Technological Upgrade of Zarautz Toll successfully completed

Kapsch has announced the successful conclusion of the technological upgrade of the Zarautz toll system in Gipuzkoa.

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31. May 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom AG agrees on comprehensive restructuring with its major financial creditors

Kapsch TrafficCom AG announces that it has reached an agreement with its major financial creditors on a comprehensive restructuring of the financing. 

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25. May 2023
Germans spend hundreds of hours a year in traffic jams

Anyone who drives in Cologne, Berlin or Hamburg knows the problem of urban areas worldwide: traffic jams.

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