The climate crisis is a major threat to all of us. Traffic volumes and traffic emissions in many areas of the world are growing constantly, particularly in cities, therefore becoming a threat to citizens and the environment. At Kapsch TrafficCom, we do our best to limit global warming and make a substantial contribution to environmental protection. That is the basis for our vision: “Challenging the limits of mobility for a healthy world without congestion.”

Environmental Sustainability & Climate Protection
“Creating a sustainable future of mobility is what drives us.
Georg Kapsch, CEO
It is our challenge and our responsibility to make this goal a reality.”
Our sustainability vision
With our products, solutions and services we aim to give back the ability to breathe to cities around the world:

This is also reflected in our internal processes, as various goals and initiatives have been created that aim at reducing our environmental impact as much as possible.
We realize this vision of a healthy world by working towards two key goals:
- Increase share of taxonomy aligned products to 50%.
Kapsch TrafficCom aims to increase the share of products manufactured by KTC that is aligned with the EU taxonomy regulation on climate change to more than 50% by 2030. - Reduce Corporate Carbon Footprint by 42%.
Kapsch TrafficCom aims to reduce its Corporate Carbon Footprint by 42% by 2030 in line with the 1.5°C trajectory to limit global warming, in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018 and the greenhouse gas protocol.
To achieve those goals Kapsch TrafficCom focuses on two different levers. On the one hand, the reduction of road traffic emissions is facilitated by our products and solutions and on the other hand the internal reduction of KTC’s own emissions reflected in the company carbon footprint.
Reduction of traffic-related emissions with our portfolio
Road traffic causes 25% of urban air pollution and 20% of the global Greenhouse Gas emissions. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can help to reduce traffic demand and curb emissions. As a result, Kapsch TrafficCom products and services help to reduce more CO2 emissions than they cause during their lifecycle.
Kapsch TrafficCom has compiled a set of evidence regarding the emission reduction potential of its portfolio.
Our sustainable solutions in action:
Based on the scientific evidence, supporting the positive environmental performance of our products and solutions, we are currently engaging on EU level with other industry members to raise awareness for the necessity to include intelligent transportation systems in the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities. If you want to learn more about our efforts in this regard, listen to our EU affairs expert:
Carbon-friendly practices at Kapsch TrafficCom
Optimizing our portfolio is the largest lever to continuously reduce our corporate carbon footprint towards a reduction of 42%. Check out the current status of our most recent sustainable innovations:
- The Deep Learning Versatile Platform (DLVP) enables the translation of visual input into digital data. This allows complex traffic monitoring to improve road safety and optimize traffic flows. When choosing a cloud deployment up to 25% of CO2e emissions can be avoided.
- The Green Gantry made from timber is an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional steel gantries. The renewable material wood is not only more environmentally friendly but also offers superior quality for a long lifetime.
- The Geo Location Platform (GLP) enables satellite tolling, road user charging and location-based business applications for public authorities and toll/fleet service providers and is available as a Cloud solution. According to a Microsoft study, when an Azure cloud-based deployment is chosen, 72% – to 98% of CO2e emissions can be avoided compared to an on-premise solution.
- Our refurbishment service for On-Board Units allows the re-use of electronic components of used On-Board Units up to four times, which reduces the total product carbon footprint by more than 30%. Are you interested in the refurbishment service?
Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
To us, sustainability means more than the environmental aspect. Social sustainability is an equally important factor in ensuring the positive impact we want to have for a healthy world. Therefore, we at Kapsch TrafficCom are contributing actively to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

- Traffic management systems are used to manage and reduce traffic. This lowers emissions (especially exhaust gases, particulate matter, noise), which has a positive impact on air quality and quality of life.
- The use of intelligent transport systems can also reduce the risk of accidents in road traffic. In this way, Kapsch TrafficCom supports the United Nations’ goal of reducing traffic accidents by 50% by 2030.
- Within our company, a dedicated and independent care counselor is focusing on fostering wellbeing amongst the colleagues and maintaining a healthy and friendly work environment.
- In addition, Kapsch TrafficCom supports cultural and social activities, such as the Vienna Concert Hall.

- Kapsch TrafficCom AG is an apprenticeship company and, together with other companies in the Kapsch Group, offers apprenticeships as well as a trainee program for university graduates. This gives young people the opportunity to start their careers in a global company and to continue their education at the same time.
- In addition, the responsible annotation team has been launched several years ago. It is an initiative to enable interested people with disabilities to provide value-adding services as part of a job training in annotation at Kapsch. Many of them are later taken on as permanent employees due to their high dedication and accuracy.

- Kapsch TrafficCom has set itself the goal of employing at least 30% female leaders in all geographical regions by 2028.
- The program women@KTC promotes the global networking of motivated female employees.
- The WomenMentoring program aims to encourage female employees to use competencies more actively and to develop potential in a sustainable and visible manner.

- The establishment of an emissions-based toll system promotes (vehicle) fleet renewal and the use of lower-emission vehicles.
- Kapsch TrafficCom also strives to use electricity from non-fossil sources wherever possible.

- Kapsch TrafficCom is an attractive employer that offers high-quality jobs.
- The production sites in Austria and Canada meet high standards with regard to working conditions and compliance with human rights.

- The toll systems implemented by Kapsch TrafficCom help to finance necessary investments in road infrastructure.
- Traffic management systems contribute to more efficient use of the traffic infrastructure.
- In addition, Kapsch TrafficCom experts are active in standardization work to contribute to global interoperability and backwards compatibility of upcoming technologies.

- Access restrictions and tolling of urban areas not only support the reduction of emissions, improving air quality and quality of life. They also help protect cultural heritage.
- In addition, these solutions encourage the use of the public transport system. Less road traffic creates space for bike lanes and meeting zones and improves road safety.

- For Kapsch TrafficCom, sustainability in production is a permanent endeavor.
- For example, the production facility in Vienna has successfully participated in the OekoWin environmental program for ten years in order to continuously make production more efficient and environmentally friendly.

- Contributing positively to climate protection is an integral part of Kapsch TrafficCom’s corporate strategy.
- In this context, on the one hand, numerous measures are being taken to reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
- On the other hand, the company’s solutions can support cities and regions in reducing their traffic emissions.

- Road traffic is a major source of noise and air pollution (for example, from nitrogen oxides). These emissions pose significant threats to biodiversity.
- Kapsch TrafficCom’s products and solutions can help reduce traffic emissions and thus contribute to preserving biodiversity. Studies have shown that free-flow tolling solutions can reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by 24% compared to traditional toll booths.
- In addition, Kapsch also supports the environmental organization Global Nature Fund.

- Kapsch TrafficCom is firmly committed to the rule of law and against corruption or bribery.
- A clear set of internal rules for dealing with politics, authorities and public officials helps to build and maintain effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.
- In those countries where Kapsch TrafficCom operates, this also contributes to improving the national corruption perception index, a recognized indicator of Transparency International based on the perception of corruption in the public sector.
Sustainability achievements

Kapsch TrafficCom headquarters Vienna and Kapsch Components participate in the OekoBusiness initiative of the municipality of Vienna.
This program helps us to step by step improve our sustainability capabilities. Kapsch Components is benefitting from it since 2011, KTC headquarters Vienna joined the program in 2020.

In compliance with Austrian law §267a UGB, Kapsch Traffic Com is delivering a non-financial report on the topics environment, employees, human rights, anti-corruption measures as well as social responsibility. The complete report is published annually and can be found in the download center.
Kapsch TrafficCom has published a non-financial report since the financial year 2017/18.
Quality Management
Environmental Management
Information Security
Occupational Health & Safety Management