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Kapsch TrafficCom Austria Benefits

Excellent learning opportunities, internationally competitive salary and location-based benefits within Kapsch TrafficCom.

Kapsch TrafficCom offers numerous national and international career opportunities.

These are just a few of the reasons why you should apply to Kapsch TrafficCom Austria:

  • Flexible Working

    In the office, we mainly work in open offices and partly at shared desks. There are kitchens and meeting areas for coffee and informal conversations. We equip our employees with laptops and smartphones for flexible working, home office and when travelling.

  • Career Mobility

    We offer each individual employee a wide range of global initiatives, such as career coaching, mentoring and the Expert Career Path, to help them realize their personal career interests.

  • Learning and Development

    Includes webinars, e-learning, training, workshops, meetings, and conferences for personal and professional development.

  • Job Rotation

    We support the exchange! Our colleagues have the opportunity to do a job rotation in another team/branch/country.

  • Hotline / OpenLine2CEO

    If you have a concern, you can contact the CEO. There is a forum and also an OpenLine2CEO.

  • Diversity & Inclusion

    For us, diversity of people and lifestyles means that no one is excluded. Everyone's individuality is recognized and valued because diversity is enriching - regardless of gender, age, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or belief, physical or mental ability, or any other characteristic.

  • Family Business & Social Engagement

    Our open company culture is characterized by respect, appreciation, equal opportunity and transparency. As a company, we are committed to our employees and also to our fellow human beings. We do so by organizing fundraising campaigns or raffles for various social institutions.

  • Family Time

    We support the reconciliation of family and career, encourage parental leave and family time bonus, and make it easier to return to work after a break.

  • Life Balance

    Flexible working hours, no core hours, Focus Friday without meetings and the option to work from home 60% of the time enable our employees to combine work and personal life. Sabbaticals and partial retirement models are additional options.

  • Bridge Days & Holidays at the turn of the year

    On bridging days and at the turn of the year, employees are off work with full pay - for normal working hours. Depending on the type of employment, vacation/time off must be used.

  • Celebrations / Events

    We like to celebrate with our employees. In summer/autumn, at Christmas and for anniversaries as well as for some sporting events. Colleagues on leave are also invited here to stay in touch.

  • Employee Discounts

    Lunch vouchers and a variety of great deals on various services and products from our partners are available.

  • Women@KTC

    We are committed to empowering women throughout the organization. This includes regular exchanges at Women breakfasts, Flashlights and a specific mentoring program.

  • Health

    We take care of our employees' health (preventive healthcare, vaccination service, life balance/diet/sports programs, etc.) In addition to our medical team, all employees have access to a Resilience and Care Counselor who supports and guides them through challenges in their personal or professional lives.

  • Accessibility & Infrastructure

    Our locations are easy to reach by public transport. Job ticket on top! If you come by bike, there is a shower and changing facilities. We offer discounted parking spaces for car drivers. There is also a variety of restaurants on site as well as a supermarket, pharmacy, bank, etc.

  • Pension Plan

    We provide for the future - as part of the KTC family, your future is provided for when you join us.
    Our Kapsch TrafficCom Austria pension plan is designed to help you provide for your retirement and save for your life's dreams after you retire.

All aboard, please: Your start at Kapsch TrafficCom

During the onboarding process, new employees receive general information about Kapsch TrafficCom.

At Kapsch TrafficCom, every employee has the opportunity to pursue an individual career path based on his or her personal interests. Together with our HR experts and the respective leader, this path is designed in a thoughtful and goal-oriented manner.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest:
Lifelong learning plays an important role in our company. Depending on the direction of your career, you can choose from a variety of learning options.


Off to a flying start –
Careers at Kapsch TrafficCom in Austria

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