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Managed Lanes

Kapsch TrafficCom's industry leading managed lanes (ML) solution incorporates highly specialized, dynamic pricing algorithms and trip building capabilities that help road operators optimize traffic flow. 

Multiple lane highway (Hongkong)

We are one of the very few organisations able to provide complete end-to-end ML solutions. We also provide the key elements to authorities who have parts of a system in place already.

By creating Managed Lanes (MLs), road operators reduce highway congestion on specific roadways or sections. They work by offering road users the opportunity to reduce their journey times, but only if they change their travel behaviours and – for example – pay a toll, share a car, take a bus, or purchase an electric vehicle

For operating agencies, then, MLs are about proactively managing traffic demand. How they are configured and deployed can be changed to suit the strategic aims of an individual road authority. For example, some authorities may use MLs to encourage drivers to maintain a minimum speed to optimize traffic throughput. Others may be focused on revenue generation. In some cases, authorities adopt more than one ML strategy at the same time.

Essentially operating as a ‘freeway within a freeway’, there are many different applications for ML technology. These include:

  • Vehicle specific lanes
    These may be bus-only or truck-only lanes.
  • High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes
    These can only be used by vehicles with more than 2 or 3 people traveling in them.
  • Express Toll Lanes (ETL)
    These require drivers of vehicles to pay a toll, irrespective of vehicle type or occupancy.
  • High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes
    In this system, only low-occupancy vehicles have to pay a toll.
  • Reversible lanes
    In some cases, traffic authorities use MLs in order to change the direction of traffic flow at different times of the day.

Our solution has helped RCTC to reduce congestion on the corridor, and to improve end-user experiences based on consistent and highly responsive services. Other key benefits are the ability to incentivize ride sharing to further reduce traffic while collecting revenue to meet the financial obligations of the I-15 Express Lane project.

JB Kendrick, President at Kapsch TrafficCom USA, Inc.

Optimizing road capacity to increase traffic flow

Our Managed Lanes solution delivers many benefits to road authorities.

  • We enable authorities to reduce traffic congestion
    We improve traffic management and reduce congestion with real-time traffic insights and data. In addition, our dynamic pricing capabilities enables authorities to manage traffic demand during busy times of the day to improve both throughput and road-user experience.
  • We enhance the reliability of trips for road users
    Our MLs enable authorities to provide a more stable travel corridor and reduced travel times for motorists who are prepared to pay for the HOT or HOV lane options.
  • We enable authorities to increase road revenues
    The Kapsch TrafficCom ML solution generates revenues for infrastructure financing, while also providing a high level of service to road users.
  • We enable authorities to deliver a highly reliable ML solution
    Kapsch TrafficCom's always-on reliability is based on an architecture with no single point of failure and full redundancy built into the system.

A solution portfolio like no other

Kapsch TrafficCom is one of the world’s most experienced MLFF partners with a unique set of technology, service, and business capabilities.


All Electronic Tolling

At the heart of Kapsch TrafficCom's MFLL systems is our state-of-the-art All Electronic Tolling (RF/AET) technology. Providing high speed, multi-lane tolling capabilities, it delivers tolling solutions for national networks, highways, bridges and within cities.

Traffic light

City tolling and Clean Air Zones

Many cities around the world are actively looking to address the negative consequences of having too many vehicles on the road. These include congestion, air pollution, excessive noise, and an increase in road traffic accidents. Kapsch TrafficCom's uniquely flexible urban access solution addresses all these challenges by incentivising drivers to change their behaviour.

References (PDF):

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