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Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

Here you will find our current press photos and photos of the executive board in print quality as well as further download material and videos.

Singapore / Singapur
7. September 2023
Castelló sets Low Emission Zone benchmark

The city of Castelló is in the process of establishing an environmental zone to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution and congestion.

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6. September 2023
Summary of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Summary of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting at Kapsch TrafficCom on 6th of September, 2023.

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6. September 2023
Specification of cash inflow and pro forma simulation of impact on financial indicators from settlement in Germany

Kapsch TrafficCom AG currently expects a cash inflow in the amount of EUR 99.5m from the settlement in Germany.

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17. August 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter 2023/24

Business developed well as expected in the first quarter of 2023/24. However, revenues and earnings were again impacted by numerous special effects.

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3. August 2023
AI does not work without people

From ChatGPT to Midjourney, AI is on everyone's lips – there are also promising AI-based technologies and great growth potential at Kapsch TrafficCom.

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KTC7878 Highway in France-1920x1079
1. August 2023
France now part of seamless mobility network

Using the European network is becoming easier than ever thanks to the inclusion of France into the streamlined toll payment system by tolltickets.

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CV ITS Intelligent-Transport-System-1920x1079
26. July 2023
Safe and sustainable traffic with Connected Vehicles

Road traffic is dangerous for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists. Connecting road users, vehicles and infrastructure is part of our solution.

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25. July 2023
Settlement between Federal Republic of Germany and autoTicket completed

The settlement agreement has now been executed and is effective. The payment of the amount of EUR 243 million has already been affected.

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Duluth, Georgia (USA)
12. July 2023
OmniAir certification ensures seamless and secure tolling experiences

Kapsch TrafficCom is proud to announce it has received the valued OmniAir-certification for its Janus Multi-Protocol 4.1 Reader.

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