17:33 CET Kapsch TrafficCom is supplier to Plenary Infrastructure Belle Chasse LLC, a consortium just awarded by the Louisiana Department of Transport and Development with the Belle Chasse Bridge & Tunnel Replacement Public-Private Partnership Project. Kapsch TrafficCom will provide the consortium with tolling technology and operate and maintain the toll system. Implementation activities are scheduled to commence in 2023 followed by 30 years of technical and commercial operations. The project volume for Kapsch TrafficCom is estimated to be more than 100M USD over the 30 year term. The overall project entails the building of a four-lane bridge to replace the current traffic infrastructure (a bridge and a tunnel). The newly constructed bridge includes a modern all-electronic tolling technology (which does not require toll booths), as part of the first Private, Public, Partnership (P3) project in the state. The awarded consortium will recoup its investment through tolls paid by motorists using the new bridge. The project is scheduled to start in January 2020 and has a total term of approximately 34 years, just over 4 years to build the bridge and 30 years of operations and maintenance.