12:48 CEST Based on initial indications for the second quarter the company expects no improvement of the revenue and earnings situation compared to the first quarter of financial year 2020/21. Consequently, the operating result (EBIT) of the financial year will likely be clearly negative. A negative two-digit million value is expected. An important reason for this is COVID-19: Revenues in the profitable components business strongly suffer from decreased traffic volumes. In addition – in spite of some pleasing project wins – there are more delays in tender processes and the award of contracts. Catch-up effects in a relevant scale are expected not before the next financial year. Possible impairments of non-current assets cannot be ruled out for financial year 2020/21. For the annual revenues, precise forecasts are also still difficult. Currently the company assumes a decline of 15 to 20%. As a result of the expected clearly negative results, the current dividend policy is being suspended until further notice. No dividend shall be expected for financial year 2020/21.