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Carolin Treichl
Carolin Treichl

Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

Here you will find our current press photos and photos of the executive board in print quality as well as further download material and videos.

Paris, France
15. October 2020
What German cities can learn from the “15-minute City” Paris.

The negative effects of road traffic have returned very quickly to the political agenda after the lockdown during the corona crisis.

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Highway Traffic
7. October 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom takes over tolltickets and regionally expands tolling services in Europe

Kapsch TrafficCom hat die verbliebenen 35 % der Anteile an der tolltickets GmbH, dem deutschen Anbieter von Mautdiensten übernommen.

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2. October 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom: revised outlook, no dividend for 2020/21.

12:48 CEST Based on initial indications for the second quarter the company expects no improvement of the revenue and earnings situation compared to the first quarter of financial year 2020/21. Consequently, the operating result (EBIT) of the financial year will likely be clearly negative. A negative two-digit million value is expected. An important reason for this is COVID-19: Revenues in the profitable components business strongly suffer from decreased traffic volumes. In addition – in spite of some pleasing project wins – there are more delays in tender processes and the award of contracts. Catch-up effects in a relevant scale are expected not before the next financial year. Possible impairments of non-current assets cannot be ruled out for financial year 2020/21. For the annual revenues, precise forecasts are also still difficult. Currently the company assumes a decline of 15 to 20%. As a result of the expected clearly negative results, the current dividend policy is being suspended until further notice. No dividend shall be expected for financial year 2020/21.

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10. September 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom – Summary of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting.

In der gestern abgehaltenen ordentlichen Hauptversammlung von Kapsch TrafficCom AG wurden die folgenden Beschlüsse getroffen.

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13. August 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom V2X Technology Enables Future Connectivity and Protects Infrastucture Investment.

Kapsch TrafficCom (Kapsch) is the first manufacturer to submit its RIS-9260 roadside unit (RSU) for dual-use certification by the OmniAir Consortium.

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12. August 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter 2020/21.

Headlines: Keine Dividende für 2019/20. Programm zur Senkung der Kosten und Steigerung der Effizienz lanciert.

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24. July 2020
Decrease in revenues and negative EBIT in Q1 2020/21. No dividend for financial year 2019/20.

16:06 CEST Based on preliminary numbers, Kapsch TrafficCom expects first quarter 2020/21 revenues of about EUR 138 million (previous year: EUR 186 million) and an operating result (EBIT) of about EUR -11 million (previous year: EUR 5 million). As already communicated in the course of the presentation of the results for the financial year 2019/20, the management expects that the challenges (and the respective costs) regarding the personnel shortage in North America will presumably last until the end of 2020. Furthermore, the management assumes that additional expenses for the implementation of new software will probably be incurred up to the first half of the year. These negative factors have turned out to be much more severe than expected, as the yet available results for Q1 2020/21 show. The significantly lower revenues and earnings compared to the first quarter of the previous year are also a result of the expiry of major projects – operation of the nation-wide toll system in Czech Republic and implementation of a nation-wide toll system in Bulgaria – as well as of the tolling projects in Germany, which have been terminated in the meantime. Already a few weeks ago, Kapsch TrafficCom initiated a cost cutting and efficiency program comprising both short-term measures and sustainable measures. It is one aim of the program to mitigate the negative factors impacting the results of the current financial year. The final results for Q1 2020/21 will be published on August 12, 2020, as scheduled. Until then, impairment tests are performed, based on updated estimates, for various long-term assets (intangible assets including goodwill as well as property, plant and equipment). As a result of the international COVID-19-maeasures, the visibility regarding new business is still very low. Because of this and because of the weak results for the first quarter, the Executive Board decided to refrain from the initial dividend proposal (EUR 0.25 per share) and to propose no dividend to the ordinary Annual General Meeting on September 9, 2020.

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23. July 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom – Republic of Belarus to improve road safety and traffic flow.

Die öffentliche Ausschreibung wurde im Rahmen eines Transitkorridor-Modernisierungsprojekts durchgeführt und von den Kreditfonds der Weltbank finanziert.

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16. June 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for financial year 2019/20.

Highlights: Trotz des Wegfalls zweier Großprojekte konnte der Umsatz des Vorjahrs beinahe gehalten werden.

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