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Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

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25. March 2022
Arbitral tribunal affirms the claim for compensation of the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom and CTS EVENTIM against the Federal Republic of Germany

Vienna, March 25, 2022 – According to the decision of the competent arbitral tribunal, autoTicket   GmbH is entitled to damages and reimbursement of expenses against the Federal Republic of Germany. This is apparent from the interim arbitral award delivered to the contractor parties today. Following the termination of the operating agreement for the collection of the infrastructure charge ("passenger car toll") in Germany, autoTicket GmbH, the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS Eventim AG Co. KGaA, has asserted claims for compensation in the amount of approximately EUR 560 million against the Federal Republic of Germany. The arbitral tribunal confirmed that the claims asserted by autoTicket GmbH in the arbitration proceedings for compensation of the gross enterprise value and for reimbursement of the costs incurred in the execution of the operating agreement exist on the merits. Accordingly, the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, was not allowed to unilaterally withdraw from the contract without compensation. The arbitral award also rejected poor performance, as alleged by the Federal Republic of Germany, as a reason for termination. The first phase of the two-stage arbitral proceedings has thus been concluded. In the second phase of the arbitral proceedings that now follows, a decision is made on the amount of the claim.

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AIMES Mobility-Hub
23. March 2022
World´s smartest traffic management system launches in Melbourne

One of Melbourne’s busiest roads will host a world-leading traffic management system using the latest technology to reduce traffic jams and improve road safety. The ‘Intelligent Corridor’ at Nicholson Street, Carlton will be launched by the University of Melbourne, Austrian technology firm Kapsch TrafficCom and the Victorian Department of Transport. Covering a 2.5 kilometer stretch of Nicholson Street between Alexandra and Victoria Parades, the Intelligent Corridor will use sensors, cloud-based AI, machine learning algorithms, predictive models and real time-data capture to improve traffic management – easing congestion, improving road safety for cars, pedestrians and cyclists, and reducing emissions from clogged traffic. Leveraging different types of traffic sensors already installed by AIMES, the team will fine-tune the Intelligent Corridor over the next three years. The sensors will connect and monitor all parts of the transport environment. Safety metrics will be incorporated in real-time control of traffic signals, derived from traffic safety software developed by Advanced Mobility Analytics Group. AIMES (Australian Integrated Multimodal EcoSystem) is the world’s first and largest ecosystem for testing emerging connected transport technologies at large scale in complex urban environments. It incorporates over 100 kilometers of road network in Melbourne, bounded by Lygon and Hoddle Streets, and Victoria and Alexandra Parades and receives support from the Victorian Department of Transport. The Intelligent Corridor marks a significant new phase, providing a new level of monitoring, with sensors on every intersection and a host of initiatives that will create a world-leading traffic management system. AIMES Director and Professor of Transport Engineering at the University of Melbourne, Professor Majid Sarvi said the Intelligent Corridor will provide a model for cities around the world to reduce the costs of urban congestion. Urban congestion costs the Australian economy $16.5 billion in travel delays every year, according to Infrastructure Australia’s Infrastructure Audit Report 2019. “In Melbourne alone, 492 people lost their lives in crashes at urban intersections – with more than half of these being pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists – between 2006 and 2019. Our Intelligent Corridor will use the latest technology to better manage traffic and make our roads safer for everyone,” Professor Sarvi said. The project will collect before-and-after data to demonstrate the Corridor’s effectiveness. Its performance will be fine-tuned to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis over the next three years, thus providing important evidence for implementation in other cities. The Intelligent Corridor will use global technology firm Kapsch TrafficCom's corridor management platform EcoTrafiX™. TrafficCom Executive Vice-President for Asia Pacific, Matthew McLeish said: “From connected vehicles to autonomous driving to integrated mobility management, this technology is laying the groundwork for a sustainable and congestion-free future, utilizing the very best in multi-modal demand management technologies such as the Kapsch EcoTrafiX™ platform.” Director of Signal Services with the Victorian Department of Transport Niloo Karimi, said the Intelligent Corridor was an important and exciting step for Melbourne. “The City has faced an increasing volume of road users over the past few decades, leading to delays and an increasing number of accidents. Now, academic researchers, industry and government will draw on connected transport technology to explore better outcomes and solve issues of safety and congestion to create a safer, cleaner and smarter transport future for Melbourne,” Ms Karimi said. The Intelligent Corridor is supported by a $2 million Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant, with contributions from the University of Melbourne and industry partners Kapsch TrafficCom and Advanced Mobility Analytics Group. ARC Acting Chief Executive Officer Judi Zielke said: “The University of Melbourne, Kapsch TrafficCom and the Department of Transport Victoria, through their cooperation and linkages across disciplines, have taken an idea to reduce traffic congestion to a real-life, real-time application.” You can find more information on the Intelligent Corridor and the AIMES project here:

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Amsterdam NL
16. March 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom at Intertraffic 2022: Speeding Up Next Generation Mobility Solutions

People's views on mobility are changing: 72 % are critical of emissions and 70 % consider the current state of climate protection unacceptable.

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23. February 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first three quarters of 2021/22.

„Even though results are significantly better than in the previous year, we are still nowhere near the level we were and need to be at. We are working intensively to implement new business areas in line with our Strategy 2027 and to better exploit the potential of our current core business. At the same time, the aim is to sustainably increase efficiency “, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Revenues 384.5 379.2 -1.4% EBIT -89.0 5.8 n.a.    EBIT margin -23.1% 1.5% +24.7   PP Result for the period attributable to equity holders -78.3 -2.5 +96.9 % Earnings per share (EUR) -6.03 -0.19 € +5.84 Vienna, February 23, 2022 – After three quarters in a persistently difficult market environment, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in achieving a positive operating result (EBIT) of EUR 6 million (previous year: EUR -89 million). Revenues of EUR 379 million were 1 % below the previous year's level. Earnings attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -2 million (previous year: EUR -78 million), corresponding to earnings per share of EUR -0.19 (previous year: EUR -6.03). The lower sales for the period were mainly due to the 20% decline in the implementation business. The operations business, on the other hand, increased by 12%, mainly due to projects in South Africa and Bulgaria. The components business continued to suffer from supply chain bottlenecks and declined by 2%. Kapsch TrafficCom achieved a significant reduction of its cost base through restructuring and cost saving measures. This related in particular to material, personnel and other operating expenses. Special effects burdened EBIT in the amount of EUR -16 million (previous year: EUR -90 million). The financial result amounted to EUR -4 million (previous year: EUR -10 million). Tax expenses amounted to EUR 1 million (previous year: tax income of EUR 19 million). The result for the period attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -2 million (previous year: EUR -78 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -0.19 (previous year: EUR -6.03). Free cash flow amounted to EUR 9 million in the first three quarters of 2021/22 (previous year: EUR 1 million). Therefore, net debt decreased to EUR -163 million since the last reporting date (March 31, 2021: EUR -170 million). The gearing increased slightly from 200% to 202%. The partial repayments of the promissory note bond and a bank loan from equity had a balance sheet-reducing effect in the first quarter. Total assets amounted to EUR 530 million as of December 31, 2021 (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The equity ratio increased from 14% to 15% in the first three quarters of 2021/22. Segment results for the first three quarters of 2021/22. 72% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 28% by the traffic management segment. 56% of revenues were generated in the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region, 40% in the Americas region (North, Central and South America) and 4% the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Tolling segment. Sales decreased by 2% to EUR 273 million. Declines in the implementation business of 23% and in the components business of 2% were not offset by 10% higher revenues in the operations business. The EMEA region made the largest contribution to revenues with EUR 148 million. In total, this region recorded growth of 2%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 6% to EUR 112 million. In the APAC region, revenues decreased by EUR 2 million to EUR 14 million. Results Tolling Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Revenues 279.6 273.1 -2.3 % EBIT -79.7 -0.6 +99.2 %    EBIT margin -28.5 % -0.2 % +28.3 PP EBIT was slightly negative at EUR -1 million (previous year: EUR -80 million). Segment Traffic Management. Revenues increased by 1% to EUR 106 million. This was due in particular to the operations business, which grew by 15%. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 64 million. In total, this region recorded an increase of 9%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 10% to EUR 39 million, and in the APAC region, they remained constant at EUR 3 million. Results Traffic Management Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Umsatz 104.9 106.0 +1.1 % EBIT -9.3 6.5 n.a.    EBIT-Marge -8.9 % 6.1 % +15.0 PP EBIT was positive at EUR 7 million (previous year: EUR -9 million). The EBIT margin was 6% (previous year: ‑9%). Outlook. For the financial year 2021/22, management expects a year-on-year increase in revenues. However, the previously targeted +10% currently appears out of reach. As long as the market environment remains so challenging due to COVID and new business momentum does not increase, double-digit growth rates will be a challenge. Of course, the lower revenue expectation also affects profitability. However, Kapsch TrafficCom cannot further reduce the Group's cost base in the short term without the risk of not being able to take advantage of upcoming growth impulses due to a lack of resources. Thus, until revenues pick up again, the company is in a phase of low profitability. EBIT in financial year 2021/22 (including special items) is expected to be below the previously forecast 3% (but positive).   The report on the first three quarters of 2021/22 are scheduled to be available today, from 7:35 a.m. (CET), at:

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20. January 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom appoints Ramón Martinez as the new Vice President for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean

Martinez succeeds Juan Zamakona who is leaving Latin America to join the Kapsch team in Europe. Since Kapsch came to Mexico with the acquisition of Simex, Zamakona has managed the transition, positioning Kapsch as a leading provider of toll, electronic toll and mobility technology in this region. "I would like to thank Juan for his great commitment during his assignment in the region over the years and wish him success in his new role and professional challenge" , says Rivas.  Kapsch has great expectations for growth in the region, both in the toll sector and in urban mobility. Its advanced SmartToll tolling system has been successfully implemented in recent projects in both Mexico and Costa Rica, and the intention is to have the opportunity to upgrade all legacy systems installed or operated by Kapsch in the region to SmartToll. Ramón Martinez expresses his enthusiasm and indicates that he will have a strong focus on customer satisfaction: "I am very excited about this new challenge, as this is a company whose innovative technologies can effectively meet the needs of our cities and highways to provide a better experience for citizens. My goal is to follow up on Kapsch's success in my sub-region, always keeping the customer at the centre so that we can be their best partners in tolling and mobility management.”

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11. January 2022
Free-flow tolling to become available for New Hampshire drivers

System integrator Kapsch TrafficCom to convert existing toll zones with all-electronic option. (Duluth, GA – January 11, 2022) The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) has selected Kapsch TrafficCom (Kapsch) to convert three remaining NHDOT toll zones to mainline all-electronic tolling (AET) from mixed-mode payment. This project extends Kapsch’s work scope initially contracted in 2015, in which Kapsch converted NHDOT toll sites at Hampton and Hooksett to provide a free-flow AET option at those toll plazas. The sites Kapsch will convert to AET are at Dover, Rochester, and Bedford, and will each feature single-gantry architecture that contains all tolling equipment. The Kapsch nVDC stereoscopic video sensor will trigger license plate reading (ALPR) cameras while supporting vehicle detection and classification, along with sensors and in-pavement treadles. The Kapsch VRX camera will facilitate video tolling for vehicles that do not have a toll transponder. Drivers will no longer need to stop, slow down, or change lanes at any point along these five sites in order to pay tolls, which will help improve traffic congestion, road safety, and vehicle emissions. As part of the project, Kapsch will also enhance its existing multiprotocol readers (MPR2.3) along NHDOT toll sites, enabling the agency to process all tolling protocols and support the goal of national tolling interoperability. Kapsch is a leading provider of electronic toll collection systems throughout the world, and has provided products and services to NHDOT through the E-ZPass Group since 2005. JB Kendrick, President of Kapsch TrafficCom North America, states: “The introduction of new free-flow traffic lanes at all NHDOT toll sites will offer drivers increased convenience and faster journeys, and we are glad to partner with NHDOT in this effort by expanding our proven AET solution at all the plaza locations.” Kapsch TrafficCom is a globally renowned provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility. Innovative solutions in the application fields of tolling, tolling services, traffic management and demand management contribute to a healthy world without congestion. Kapsch has brought projects to fruition in more than 50 countries around the globe. With one-stop solutions, the company covers the entire value chain of customers, from components to design and implementation to the operation of systems. As part of the Kapsch Group and headquartered in Vienna, Kapsch TrafficCom has subsidiaries and branches in more than 25 countries. It has been listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange since 2007 (ticker symbol: KTCG). In its 2020/21 financial year, around 4,660 employees generated revenues of approximately EUR 500 million.  

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21. December 2021
Ruta Nogales Puchuncaví will have the latest in toll technology

Santiago, Chile, December 21, 2021 – New system allows combination of conventional and Free Flow tolling for a better user experience. A new electronic toll system will be installed on a 27 km stretch of the route through the Valparaíso region in Chile's central valley. Kapsch TrafficCom, a leading global toll technology and mobility management company, has been awarded the contract to implement its SmartToll system by Sociedad Concesionaria Nuevo Camino Nogales-Puchuncaví S.A. (Canopsa) of the company Aleatica. This will bring state-of-the-art toll collection to the market.  The project consists of an innovative system that combines traditional plazas with the Multi-Lane Free-Flow (MLFF) system. This offers a more flexible experience to highway users, who have different payment options and the possibility of reducing their travel time. According to Felipe Darrigrande, Country Manager of Kapsch TrafficCom in Chile, “this project is particularly interesting because of the combination of technologies that will result in a better end user experience, and also because it is the first implementation of our SmartToll system in Chile.” Within this project, Kapsch is responsible for the supply, installation and commissioning of the end-to-end toll collection system. This also includes the Back Office systems for the electronic toll collection, the Operational Back Office and the Commercial Back Office and Customer Service Center. Paulo Cezar de Souza, Project Manager and Technical Director of Aleatica Labs, states that “Aleatica is an globally active, intelligent transportation infrastructure operation company with the user at the center of its operations. The installation of this type of system is an example of how innovation and technology improve the user experience, offering greater efficiency in traffic flow.” Innovative systems for a better user experience The free-flow tolling system of Kapsch TrafficCom has been successfully implemented around the world. Thanks to the company's focus on R&D, the system installed in Chile is capable of the detection of double wheels on the rear axle with gantry-based sensors. Together with its axle detection and classification system, this allows categorizing vehicles to be charged according to the respective rate. The gantry-based sensors also allow greater safety for vehicles and for maintenance personnel, since no road blocks are required for system meintenance.

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20. December 2021
Poland Joins European Toll Service Network by Tolltickets

Vienna, December 20, 2021  – 1.2   million trucks save time with new on-board unit. Tolling services provider Tolltickets launches its services in Poland. From December 1 st , Tolltickets users will be able to drive from Gdańsk to Ghent with one single on-board device and one single invoice, saving time and making the lives of drivers easier. With more than 1.2 million trucks having to pay tolls – 55% of which are registered in a foreign country – Poland is both an important transit country and one of Europe’s leading distribution hubs. The addition of Poland to Tolltickets’ portfolio also complements its broad coverage in critical European logistics centres – Quentin Couret, COO of Tolltickets, comments: “ By successfully adding Poland to our growing list of countries, we are delighted to be able to cover the strategically important East to West corridor through Germany, in addition to our existing North to South corridor through Hungary and Bulgaria”.   Jan Kersten, Managing Director at Tolltickets concludes: “ Tolltickets has once again proven its ability to react to a major change in a tolling system in a record time. With our supplies of on-board units on stock, we are ready to provide effective solutions for our partners supporting heavy vehicle fleets across Europe” . Following swiftly on from its recent extension to Belgium and the Scandinavian countries, Tolltickets Poland becomes an important country as part of its rapidly expanding EETS (European Electronic Toll Service) coverage.

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25. November 2021
Driving across Europe is becoming easier

Vienna, 25 November 2021  – tolltickets adds Scandinavian countries to its growing tolling network. Beginning in December, tolltickets will add an additional 800km of toll roads in Norway, several ferry providers and the world-famous Øresund and Storebaelt bridges to its network, expanding its services both for private and business customers across Europe. In Belgium, where all heavy goods vehicles (exceeding a weight of 3,5 tons) must be equipped with an On-Board Unit (OBU), tolltickets will begin the pilot phase, meaning partners and customers will soon benefit from a fully integrated solution. The Belgium road network is a significant step forward as it connects tolltickets’ users in Central and Eastern Europe with the port of Antwerp, one of the world’s largest seaports. With this service expansion, tolltickets’ users will soon be able to pay tolls seamlessly in eight countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) with a single device. Quentin Couret, COO of tolltickets, comments: “ Belgium and Scandinavia are important milestones in our strategy to cover Europe with one single OBU, reducing complexity and increasing profitability for our customers.” Jan Kersten, tolltickets Managing Director, concludes: “Since entering the EETS market, tolltickets has been growing rapidly and continuously added new territories to its existing toll road network. More toll domains and will be added to its existing portfolio soon.”

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