As of October 17, 2022, Dominik Fluch has taken over the function of Compliance Officer at Kapsch TrafficCom. Dominik Fluch has spent the last four years as Compliance Officer at STRABAG SE, where he was involved in setting up a new Business Compliance Management System. He has in-depth knowledge of the prevention, detection and processing of compliance violations. Dominik Fluch's focus at KapschTrafficCom will be on capital market compliance as well as on the areas of anti-corruption, money laundering prevention and antitrust law. He will also manage the implementation of a whistleblowing system in accordance with the requirements of the EU Whistleblowing Directive. Previously, Hans Lang was Compliance Officer as well as Investor Relations Officer of Kapsch TrafficCom AG for six years. After his departure, two independent positions were filled with Marcus Handl as Investor Relations Officer and now Dominik Fluch as Compliance Officer.