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Press releases

Press Contacts
Carolin Treichl
Carolin Treichl

Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
KTC1812 German-Motorway-1920x1079
31. March 2023
WHO limit value for particulate matter remains largely unattained throughout Europe

In its health-related guideline on air quality, the WHO is recommending a maximum limit for particulate matter of 5 μg/m³ in order to protect health. 

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KTC7953 C-iTS-1920x1079
13. March 2023
Congestion-hit cities must do more to improve traffic

The continent’s urbanization rate is increasing, with eight out of ten people living in cities. This trend is contributing to the growth of vehicular traffic.

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KTC7926 Norway West-Coast  road-1920x1079
9. March 2023
Modern tolling technology for Norwegian ferries

The new free-flow AutoPASS solution for the Norwegian ferry connection Bognes-Lødingen will go into service in December 2023.

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KTC7876 Seville Spain-1920x1079
28. February 2023
Millions of Seville citizens to benefit from smart mobility management

Improved traffic flow and elevated environmental protection with first deployment of Mobility Data Platform.

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23. February 2023
The Green Gantry rings in the next phase of sustainable traffic infrastructure

Kapsch TrafficCom has developed the Green Gantry, an alternative hybrid design based on wood instead of metal. 

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KTC2042 Park in Frankfurt Germany-1920x1079
10. February 2023
CO2 savings of up to 20 percent: Digitally controlled Clean Air Zones help reduce transport emissions

Since 1990, emissions in Europe have fallen more than 30%. However, this hides the fact that transport emission have yet to follow the trend ....

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KTC7925 Riga Dome-Cathedral-1920x1079
8. February 2023
Latvia: High-tech traffic management system to reduce crash risk

On a 23km stretch on Pan-European highway E-67 circling Riga, technology by Kapsch TrafficCom will make the highway traffic safer and more sustainable.

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KTC7916 Christ Rio-de-Janeiro-1920x1079
19. January 2023
Tolling system improves traffic for more than 60 million Brazilians

March 2023: Tolling system by Kapsch TrafficCom on the highway between the Brazilian megacity Rio de Janeiro and Santos

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KTC7598 ESG icon concept-1920x1079
22. December 2022
Global sustainability platform CDP recognizes Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom is participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for the second time and has improved upon last year’s rating.

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